Monday, 12 April 2010

Locations and Research

Again as I said before, due to the difficulties when creating the original script, we decided to change it to an idea we preferred as it aimed at the student market and also benefitted us hugely with regard to our financial status. (We are very poor). :-(

When researching the theme and look for our film, we decided that at certain points there may be some sort of comedic elements. 'The man with two brains' a 1983 film starring 'Steve Martin' was a film that I have always personally enjoyed and uses very over the top props among other elements to influence its look and comedy. The film itself is the story of a top brain surgeon who discovers the fastest method of brain transplants using 'cranium screwtop surgery'. Similarly to 'The Cure' the height of the surgeon's success comes crashing down around him.

During our film there would be scenes of experimentation that would show our main character mixing up his potion or 'hangover cure'. This is a scene that we really want to emphasise so we will use a bright coloured blue substance to add more effect.

We wanted to give the scene where our main character 'Konrad' demonstrates his hangover showcase an authentic feel for our audience. The 'Michael Tippett Centre' is a building where many lectures take place at the University. Inside, it also has a lobby area which we thought could look hugely realistic with a few extra props. This was one of our main locations.

The other locations that we were to use throughout the filming weekend were at Liz's house where we used her vastly filled cupboards and their contents for the scenes where Konrad first develops the hangover cure and the final location was at Patrick's house where we shot the scenes of Konrad waking up in the morning and answering the door to the Bible salesman.

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