Monday, 12 April 2010

Choosing a Screenplay + Feedback

I was suprisingly nervous during the initial feedback session with the rest of the group. Although I knew everyone in the group and had brief discussions with some before the class, I was still apprehensive as to what would come from the overall discussion. I was pleased to find that my script was well recieved and despite not being chosen by any groups, it was certainly a consideration for a few.

For our first film we were placed into random groups, so this time I was looking forward to choosing who I could work with. Luke Phillips, Elizabeth Scott, Patrick Wilson and Adam Barrett were the other members of my group that I was to work with for the remainder of the year. After the feedback session we narrowed down the choice of scripts to The Hippophant and R.S.V.P. by Miles Mcauliffe and Katie Greenstone. Our choice to shoot The Hippophant was based on the fact we thought that it would be more productive to shoot a film based on a specific topic/idea and it would be hugely difficult to arrange the amount of people needed to shoot the house party scene in R.S.V.P.

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